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Illustration of the Christian Study Center building




A home for the University of Florida community, facilitating encounters with a Christian vision of life, learning, and hospitality. 

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Christian Study Center

For nearly 25 years, we have facilitated the thoughtful consideration of a Christian understanding of life and culture in the UF community. 


Pascal's Coffeehouse

For 20 years, the CSC has extended hospitality to the neighborhood through Pascal's Coffeehouse by offering carefully crafted drinks and a beautiful space to gather.


Hundreds of members of the university community, including students, faculty, and professionals pass through our doors everyday.
Whether they come for a coffee, class, or cohort, they encounter a Christian vision of faith and flourishing that, by God's grace, will transform their life.


“The Christian Study Center has been a haven for me the past four years; the hospitable, creative, and intellectually edifying environment has helped me feel not just comfortable being a Christian in the academy, but positively confident. What’s more, the CSC has demonstrated to me what genuinely thoughtful, charitable, and constructive dialogue can look like across a range of topics, both those that are uniquely pressing for our present age as well as those of perennial importance.”

— Josh P, UF PhD candidate

“I am so grateful to have a place like the Study Center where I have explored the depths of my faith and cultivated thoughtful community with my Gator peers... I love the Study Center because it is an ecumenical paradise and home to the best matcha in all of Gainesville. This place has become a cornerstone of my college experience.”

— Katie F, UF undergraduate student
Illustration of the Christian Study Center building

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through the generosity of people that champion our work.
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