Invest in the transformation of the academic and spiritual life of Gainesville.
Our work is possible because of the generosity of our champions. We invite you to participate in our work and bless the UF campus by making a gift today!

When you give, you empower the
advancement of a Christian vision
of life at the University of Florida.

How Your Donations Make a Difference
As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, the Christian Study Center is made possible by a network of generous individuals that champion our ministry.
Your donations allow us to offer our transformational programs. Here are just a few ways your gifts make a tangible difference to our ministry:
Inviting top scholars to our lecture to engage our community in conversations about various fields.
Maintaining our beautiful building, the backbone of our hospitality to the neighborhood
Fueling fellows programs for undergraduates, providing intentional communities of intellectual and spiritual formation in which students learn and grow together through focused readings, shared meals and rich conversations.
Offering Faith and Vocation Cohorts that equip graduate and professional students as well as Christian faculty to integrate their faith with every aspect of their learning, research, and work.
Other ways to engage in our ministry.
Join us at our monthly prayer gatherings at 8 am in the CSC Classroom.
Upcoming dates:
9/6, 10/4, 11/1, and 12/6
Tell your friends, neighbors, and colleagues about our ministry and ways to get connected.