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Anabel White

Fall Semester Kick-Off Event

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on Tuesday, September 6th at 6:30 p.m. for our spring kick-off event at the Christian Study Center.

We will begin the evening with a time of light refreshments followed by a brief orientation to our program for the semester.

At 7:00, our Executive Director, Mike Sacasas, will be giving a short talk titled, "Virtue and the Life of the Mind." Throughout the coming year, the virtues and the good life will be recurring points of emphasis in our programming. In this talk, we will reflect on the Christian calling to love God with our whole mind and how this is a moral as well as an intellectual endeavor. Humility and courage, for example, are vital to the life of the mind, and perceiving the truth of things is often a matter of moral vision as well as mental acumen. Join us as we start our semester by considering how we might better pursue the path of wisdom by cultivating the intellectual virtues.

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