We are launching our spring program at the Christian Study Center by hosting a kick-off event on Tuesday, January 25 at 6:30 p.m.
Join us for a time of light refreshments followed by a brief orientation to our fall events. These will include a director's class titled Daniel and the Politics of Exile taught by associate director Michael Sacasas, three reading groups, and a series of public lectures.
Following this brief orientation, executive director Dr. Richard Horner will then cap off our evening with a talk titled "Why Pascal? — One More Time."
Here is Dr. Horner's description of the talk:
With remarkable prescience, Pascal saw at modernity’s dawn what later critics would come to see much later in the day: the modern quest for Truth by way of reason alone was not going to turn out well. Pascal saw this from the outset, offered an alternative paradigm for how to think about thought, and preserved an important distinction between “the god of philosophers” and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Today he invites us to reconsider the deep, theistic ways of thinking that the modern quest unfairly pushed to the margins.
This talk will not only kick off our semester, it will also lead into a reading group Dr. Horner will be leading throughout the semester, Pascal and His Heirs, which will take up readings from a set of thinkers, who were thoughtful readers of Pascal and who have worked in his lineage helping us to think more clearly about modernity and about how to live well in our late-modern context. That group will meet every other Friday at noon, beginning on February 4th.