Our September session of the Wendell Berry reading group was a fine introduction to Wendell Berry's agrarian vision. As we move forward, we will continue to unpack Berry's perspective as we look at how he addresses specific cultural areas—October will be economics. We will meet on Wednesday, October 23 at 5:15pm in the classroom at the CSC.
Readings for October 23:
For those who are interested in learning more about who Wendell Berry is and what his writing and life have contributed, we would like to pass along the following:
Bill Moyers' "Wendell Berry: Poet and Prophet."
Wendell Berry on economics, a video lecture at Johns Hopkins: "The Thought of Limits in the Prodigal Age."
Look and See - documentary on the life of Wendell Berry, featuring Berry's wife Tanya Berry. The film trailer (a work of art itself) film was available on Netflix, but seems to have expired; looks like it may be currently making the rounds in select theater screenings.